All done!
November 6, 2008 - After a little bit of outlining, now the monarch cross-stitch is done!!
November 6, 2008 - After a little bit of outlining, now the monarch cross-stitch is done!!
November 1, 2008 - The butterfly cross-stitch is done (backstitch outlining being debated) and the flower looks better anchored on a stem…
October 19, 2008 - I had a very productive day and made a lot of progress on the monarch cross-stitch.
October 17, 2008 - I’ve made some progress on the monarch cross-stitch, filling in the details of the wing and adding a bit of the porterweed.
October 12, 2008 - Here’s my current progress on the monarch cross-stitch. Rich says it has potential. I’m looking forward to stitching with a color other than black!
October 1, 2008 - My current cross-stitch is a design I generated from one of my photographs. This monarch was sipping at the porterweed in my garden, and he makes a good cross-stitch subject! :) Here’s the original picture…