
March 3, 2011 - Rich gets annoyed at me for not posting more pictures of turtles.  After all, our site is called “catandturtle” because I like cats and he likes turtles!  Then I did post a video of a turtle, but Rich refuses to watch it, because the turtle was being consumed by a Limpkin.  So here’s a Rich-friendly […]

Circle B Bar Reserve Woodpecker

February 14, 2011 - I forgot to post a video that I took yesterday at the Circle B Bar Reserve. There is a Red-Bellied Woodpecker that lives in a dead tree at the “Four Corners” intersection. He often poses, showing off his bright red feathers in the sunshine. Yesterday he was working on his cavity, drilling away at it. […]

Blue-Headed Vireo at Circle B Bar Reserve

February 7, 2011 - Ever since Cole Fredericks, a noted birdwatcher in Central Florida, commented in the Circle B Flickr species list discussion that the list was missing Orange-Crowned Warblers and Blue-Headed Vireos, I’ve been on the lookout for those birds. Last week I got the Orange-Crowned Warbler. I’ve gone up and down Alligator Alley several times in search […]

History of a Pelican

February 6, 2011 - A few weeks ago, I took a short video of a group of American White Pelicans feeding at the Circle B Bar Reserve.  I thought it was cool because you could see them tossing fish in their mouths, and see the fish bulging out of their pouches as they ate. When I got home, I […]

A Circle B HDR Example

January 6, 2011 - I’ve been enjoying have the HDR capabilities of Photoshop CS5.  I’m no expert in HDR, and I’m learning how to adjust the controls so that the pictures look good.  I don’t try for the over-the-top color effects of some HDR photos, but instead just enjoy the additional dynamic range and color tones that make my […]

A Circle B Christmas

December 25, 2010 - Santa arrived early at the Circle B Bar Reserve today, bringing  plenty of insects and nuts for the birds for Christmas.  His reindeer are not fond of Florida weather, so the American White Pelicans volunteered to help him fly his sleigh! Santa cartoon courtesy of  Microsoft Office Clipart

Circle B Sunset Cranes

December 21, 2010 - On Thursday afternoon I took two fun pictures at Circle B: one of Sandhill Cranes flying against the sunset sky, and another of the sunset landscape.  Then I combined the two pictures in Photoshop Elements.  I think the composition is fun…as long as I admit to the Photoshopping! Here are the two original images:

What’s Going On Up There?

December 17, 2010 - There were plenty of birds in the skies this afternoon at the Circle B Bar Reserve! I got there around 3:30 and hiked Heron Hideout, Marsh Rabbit Run, and Wading Bird Way.  The American White Pelicans are back and roosting on the water at Wading Bird Way!  Yay! When I first arrived, the skies above […]

Cranes and Pelicans and a Circle B Sunset

December 11, 2010 - Dyeyo and I went for a quick walk at the Circle B Bar Reserve this afternoon. I’ve been wanting to photograph one of our spectacular golden sunsets that we’ve been having lately, but tonight’s wasn’t like that. It was pretty, though. I waited for the sun to start going behind a cloud, then took this […]

Do Coots get Cooties?

November 30, 2010 - I had some fun pictures of the American Coots at the Circle B Bar Reserve this Sunday. So here’s a special coot-only post… I caught the coot below flapping his wings as he reached into the water for a breakfast bite. Look at those big white feet! I always have to laugh when I see […]

What’s so Great about Morning Light?

November 13, 2010 - I’ve had some people asking me why I get up at the crack of dawn to go to Circle B. The answer is “to get there during the great morning light.” So what’s so great about morning light? Compare and contrast the following two pictures. Both feature a Greater Yellowlegs, taken yesterday morning on Heron […]

Happy Hallo-wren at the Circle B Bar Reserve

November 1, 2010 - Apparently the “Water, Wings, and Wild Things” event yesterday spooked a lot of the birds at the Circle B Bar Reserve…but the wrens stuck around and celebrated Halloween with us! The marshes were fairly quiet this morning, but there were plenty of little bids for patient photographers… We started off walking to the far end […]

Fill Flash in the Outdoors

October 13, 2010 - Somebody asked me this weekend why I bother to use flash outside. After all, the sun is up and there’s plenty of light, right? What I explained is that fill flash can be useful, even outside in bright sunlight. For one thing, bright sunlight tends to create harsh shadows, and a bit of fill flash […]

Circle B Migrants

September 19, 2010 - I felt like playing with Photoshop today, so I made another warbler and migrant bird collage. These little birds are usually high in the oak canopies, and it’s hard to get great pictures of them. They also hop around really fast. You come home with a stiff neck and then squint at your pictures, asking […]

Quiet morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

September 18, 2010 - The sky was clear and the winds were northeast and there were not many migrants at the Circle B Bar Reserve this morning. It was a bit cooler, though, and a walk through the marsh at dawn is always pleasant. Thankfully I didn’t see any alligators, either! I started out on Heron Hideout and checked […]