The Calm Before the Coots

October 15, 2012 - Each fall I look forward to the arrival of the American Coots at the Circle B Bar Reserve as a sign that our winter visitors are beginning to arrive. It’s just about time for the first groups of coots to show up at CBBR. Soon these waters will be covered in little black ducks… On […]

Birdy Sunset

Sunrise, Sunset…

October 14, 2012 - …swiftly go the days at the Circle B Bar Reserve! I ended up making three trips there this weekend. Once on Friday morning when I first saw the Snail Kite, then again on Saturday morning to show Dyeyo the Snail Kite, and then Saturday afternoon to try to catch the Snail Kite in decent light. […]

First Light

October 13, 2012 - I love photographing the sunrise out on the Wading Bird Way trail at the Circle B Bar Reserve. You’re standing on a trail between two bodies of water. You face one to photograph the rising sun. Then you turn to face the other, where birds often sit conveniently on posts and soak in the morning […]

My First Snail Kite

October 12, 2012 - It was a beautiful off-Friday morning today at the Circle B Bar Reserve. I arrived before dawn and walked out to the Wading Bird Way trail for sunrise. I wasn’t really hoping for any bird in particular – it just felt so good to be there! As I walked out, I thought about the recent […]

Solemn Stare

October 5, 2012 - I found this Wood Stork last weekend on a pale foggy morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve. He seemed curious about me, and he kept watching my camera. These guys are like the old men of the swamp. Look at that face!

Fussy Birds

October 3, 2012 - I was listening to the eagles the other morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve when I heard strange scuffling sounds. I looked up and saw this pair of Wood Storks fighting with each other at the top of a nearby tree. I guess one of them invaded the other’s personal bubble…my cats can identify […]

Circle B Christmas Trees

October 2, 2012 - At this time of year, the Wood Storks and Double-Crested Cormorants tend to roost in the tall trees in the middle of the marsh at the Circle B Bar Reserve. I often think of these as the “Christmas Trees,” except they are decorated with birds instead of ornaments. When you’re at CBBR on a sunny […]

Strike a Pose

September 29, 2012 - I finally made it back out to the Circle B Bar Reserve yesterday morning! It felt so good to get back out there. The Marsh Rabbit Run trail is now open, and I hiked it in the cool morning breeze. It wasn’t a super-birdy day, although I did find a couple of Common Yellowthroats and […]

Migration Forecast

September 22, 2012 - I was up early and ready to head out to look for migrants this morning…and then I heard the raindrops on the roof. My radar on my phone showed green all over the state, and a 50% rain forecast by 9am. Never mind on the birding trip… (and then it cleared up mid-morning! not fair!) […]

Labor Day Cloudscape

September 3, 2012 - This cloudscape image was taken at Circle B about a week ago, as the clouds of Tropical Storm Isaac passed through. As it turned out, that’s pretty much all we got from Isaac – clouds and some rain. Although my dad did get a day off from school for it – lucky duck!

Here’s Lookin’ at You!

August 31, 2012 - This is a Barred Owl from my visit to Circle B last weekend. He was sitting high in the trees near the bend where the Alligator Alley trail turns towards the marsh. It’s one of the favorite hang-outs of the owls. I actually walked right past him, but some friendly people on the trails pointed […]

Circle B Awaits Tropical Storm Isaac

August 25, 2012 - Although the center of Tropical Storm Isaac is several days away, the wind was already picking up this morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve. It felt great! I went out to Lake Hancock for the (lack of) sunrise, then stayed on the dock photographing birds in flight for almost an hour. The breezes were […]

The Ugliest Bird?

July 27, 2012 - I was going back through some of my old images and came across this Wood Stork, taken in January at the Circle B Bar Reserve. I love how some of his wing feathers are catching the light and look iridescent.

Summer Sunrise at Circle B

July 22, 2012 - With a slight breeze in the forecast, I spent the morning out on the Wading Bird Way trail at the Circle B Bar Reserve.  It’s been ages since I went, and it felt great to be there!  The water levels are much higher than my last visit, when the Wading Bird Way lake was basically […]

Dixie Iris

June 3, 2012 - After a photograph-packed weekend last weekend, this weekend was “catch up around the house.”  So today’s image is a Dixie Iris that I photographed at the Circle B Bar Reserve back in early March.  It was so pretty, blooming along the Alligator Alley trail, that I just had to stop and get it.  Even if […]

Put Your Best Spoon Forward!

June 1, 2012 - I spent last Sunday morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve.  Boy it feels good to get back out there!  I was happy to find lots and lots of Roseate Spoonbills still hanging around off the Wading Bird Way trail.  I counted over 100!  These beautiful birds are some of my favorite ones to photograph.  […]

More from Circle B Bar Reserve

May 21, 2012 - As I drove to work with the rising sun in my eyes this morning, all I could think was that I’d rather be at the Circle B Bar Reserve! :) It’s unusual when I have such a good morning that I have to extend my description to multiple blog posts. This one is looking like […]

Sunrise Wings at Circle B Bar Reserve

May 20, 2012 - It’s been ages since I’ve been to Circle B.  It’s sad…I used to go there every weekend, at least!  So it felt great to spend the morning on Wading Bird Way.  The water levels are really really low.  Half of the “lake” is now a mud flat.  But the good thing is that the low […]

Now You See Them…

April 1, 2012 - …and now you don’t!  I guess April Fool’s is a good day for a photographer to confess to some Photoshopping. :) I was photographing the Sandhill Crane colts at the Circle B Bar Reserve last weekend.  I set my camera to the fastest frame speed, which I don’t often do, because I don’t need to […]

The Fellowship of the Nest

March 3, 2012 - As promised, here are more pictures from my morning at Circle B yesterday.  Although I failed to find the Great Horned Owlettes, I did find several other nests.  I love springtime at Circle B! The light was horrible (or rather, non-existent!) when I first arrived.  I noticed the Osprey on Heron Hideout gathering nesting material.  […]

Return to the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 2, 2012 - I braved the foggy weather this morning to go to Circle B for the first time in two months.  It felt so good to get out there again!  Most of the ducks have left, but the resident birds are starting to nest.  I love this time of year.  The weather wasn’t great for photography—the fog […]

On the Run at the Circle B Bar Reserve

January 9, 2012 - Here’s an appropriate post for my first day back to work – “on the run!”  This was an American Coot from the Circle B Bar Reserve from last Wednesday.  I love to try to catch them as they run across the water.  I got several good frames from this one, so I stitched them together […]

Yellow Flowers at the Circle B Bar Reserve

November 20, 2011 - The two questions that I hear most often about Circle B are 1) When do the white pelicans arrive? and 2) When do the yellow flowers bloom? Well, I’m pleased to report that the answers to both questions are NOW! :) Several people have reported pelican fly-overs in the past week, and the marsh is […]


Flight Shots at the Circle B Bar Reserve

November 14, 2011 - Yesterday (Sunday) was a great morning for flight shots at the Circle B Bar Reserve.  The sunrise was pretty, then the birds were flying from the lake on Wading Bird Way across the trail towards Lake Hancock.  I saw Blue-Winged Teals, Green-Winged Teals, Gadwalls, American Wigeons, Northern Shovelers, and Mottled Ducks. The American Coots are […]


October 26, 2011 - I got in trouble with my turtle-loving husband when I didn’t post the picture of the turtle that I took at Circle B on Saturday. So here’s the turtle. Isn’t he cute? He looks like he’s going sliding on the water.

I Love This Time of Year at Circle B!

October 24, 2011 - I spent Sunday morning with The Beast at the Circle B Bar Reserve. It was hard to decide whether to head out to the marsh to catch the Bald Eagles flying with nesting material, or head to the lake to see the bobcat. The cloudless skies and great morning light made me decide on the […]