Afternoon Walk at Oakland Nature Preserve
It’s been ages since I visited Oakland Nature Preserve. Rich asked for a walk on Yellow Thursday, so we headed to the trails. I took my intermediate telephoto, re-discovered a place I used to love, and determined that I needed to return in the morning with my Beast! :)
Our first bird was a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. There were two of them, chasing each other from branch to branch. Rich stood patiently while I waited for them to come out in the open.
I think I saw my first Blue-headed Vireo at ONP many many moons ago. So it was fun to see another one saying hello from the top of a tall tree.
A flock of Chipping Sparrows was active in the grasses and treetops. It took a little while to get close enough to one to get a good picture.
A flash of yellow went by and caught our attention. It turned out to be a pair of Pine Warblers. They posed on a small pine tree as they searched for bugs.
After meandering the trails for a while, we headed back to the car. Rich spotted a trio of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and we watched them dart in and our of the bushes. They told Rich he should join me on nature walks more often!