Female brown-headed cowbird
I was excited to see a new bird in the yard. Unfortunately it’s “just” a common female brown-headed cowbird…

Female brown-headed cowbird
I was excited to see a new bird in the yard. Unfortunately it’s “just” a common female brown-headed cowbird…
Female brown-headed cowbird
What was Rich thinking? He offered to take me to Lukas after a bad week at work!! I went looking for the red mandevilla to put by the back door, but saw the display of limited-edition ‘Pope John Paul II’ roses that I’ve been drooling over and, well, of course one had to come home with me. But that meant that I had to have a place to put it…so we started widening the rose bed in the back to make room for 4 more hybrid tea roses. While we were outside, this Red Admiral stopped by to watch us dig.
Red Admiral
My new daylilies are blooming!
New daylilies