‘Age of Elegance’ daylilies
Today my first two ‘Age of Elegance’ daylilies opened. How pretty!

'Age of Elegance' daylilies
Today my first two ‘Age of Elegance’ daylilies opened. How pretty!
'Age of Elegance' daylilies
This monarch hung around for probably half an hour to nectar on the butterfly bush by the porch. Squirt saw him and just stared!
Butterfly bush monarch
Rich and I are empty nesters! :( After watching our Painted Lady caterpillars grow up and turn into butterflies, we decided to let them free today. Our backyard is so full of nectar, they weren’t quite sure which flower to fly to first! I got some cool pictures as they discovered their new world. Then one by one they all flew off…
Painted lady