A Kestrel and a Gopher Tortoise

Posted Posted in Oakland Nature Preserve

I headed to Oakland Nature Preserve one morning in late November to say hello to our visiting winter birds. The first bird who greeted me was a fun one – an American Kestrel. This little falcon is technically year-round in Central Florida, but I find it easier to spot them during the winter months. They are fairly skittish, so I was excited when this one let me get close enough for some good images.

American Kestrel
American Kestrel

Potato chip! Sweetie! Potato chip! I heard the cheerful calls of American Goldfinches and did a little happy dance. While I had been hearing them around my house since around the middle of November, I hadn’t seen them yet. I finally spotted my first two first-of-season birds at the very top of a tall tree. It’s amazing how far their little voices carry!

American Goldfinches
American Goldfinches

I was hiking a part of the reserve where I usually spot lots of small birds. On this particular day, the birds must have been having a breakfast party elsewhere. This Palm Warbler hopped out onto a tree branch and flipped his tail for me, telling me that a common bird in good light is a good consolation prize when the less-common birds were busy.

Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler

A Pine Warbler hopped back and forth in the deep shadows of an oak tree. At first I thought I saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet in there with him, but the elusive bird declined to come out for a photo.

Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler

I hear that the Field Sparrows are back this year, and I wandered around looking for them. They must have been at the Birdie Breakfast Party. A Northern Mockingbird hopped up to the top of some vegetation to gaze at me, then he let loose with a warbling song. It made me realize that it’s been a while since I’ve photographed our state bird!

Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird

As I scouted for some bluebirds, a Red-shouldered Hawk flew overhead. Then his partner flew in after him. One sat high in a treetop while the other circled repeatedly nearby. They didn’t understand why a long white lens was suddenly trained on them, making strange clicking noises…

Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk

I headed back to my car, pausing to listen to the soft calls of Painted Buntings and a Gray Catbird. Then I noticed something moving on the sidewalk. A Gopher Tortoise! He pulled himself along the path, and I quickly knelt down to his level, grinning from ear to ear as I imagined sharing the photos with Rich. It’s not every day that I get a surprise visit from a turtle! :)

Gopher Tortoise
Gopher Tortoise

Silly Birds on the Shore of Lake Apopka

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Lake Apopka

It was a gray, cloudy morning just before Thanksgiving. I arrived on the south shore of Lake Apopka with a camera and no expectations for any good photos. But it was so good to be outside, and the birds always put a smile on my face!

The eagles were the first birds to grab my attention. I heard their calls before I spotted them high in the skies over the lake. First I saw some juvenile birds flying together, then later, I saw a pair of adults. I hoped for some mating rituals but all they did was fly close. You can se their beaks both open in the photo below as they called to each other.

Bald Eagles in Flight
Bald Eagles in Flight

A group of pigeons gathered in the grass. The mostly-white one stuck out from his friends. Leucism is like being an albino, but it’s a partial loss of the pigmentation in the feathers. The bird seemed to be smelling the white flowers and made quite a pretty picture.

Leucistic Rock Pigeon
Leucistic Rock Pigeon

Next I heard the call of an Osprey. He was sitting high in a Cypress tree. He told me he was minding his own business, but the grackles didn’t agree with him. The grackles swooped at him, flying close trying to make him leave. He finally did…

Grackle Chasing Osprey
Grackle Chasing Osprey

…and then the grackles chased him. Repeatedly. The poor bird flew all over the place trying to outrun his chaser. It made for fun flight photography, even in super low light!

Grackle Chasing Osprey
Grackle Chasing Osprey

My last bird of the morning was a rare one. I can only assume that this is one of the Bronzed Cowbirds that visited Lake Apopka last year. This year I only saw the one, and thankfully, he showed up at the same time as the sun came out! He posed for a few minutes before I said goodbye.

Bronzed Cowbird
Bronzed Cowbird

Late August Trip to Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Lake Apopka

I can’t believe I forgot to publish this post! These photos were taken in late August after a visit to the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. The morning was gorgeous. I’d just started to sniff a tiny hint of fall in the air, and right on time, I spotted some migrating fall warblers.

Just off Lust Road by the Crazy U were the usual Gray-headed Swamphens. Except they had a small surprise with them on this visit. A baby! This was the first time I’d seen a baby swamphen. She reminded me of a baby gallinule, but bigger. Nature never stops amazing me with the camouflage given to young birds to protect them. Look closely under Mom’s backside here…peek a boo!

Gray-headed Swamphen with Baby
Gray-headed Swamphen with Baby

I spent a little while at the trees at the Crazy U, where I often see migrating warblers during the spring and fall. It didn’t take long to spot motion in the trees, and with a little bit of patience, a young Prairie Warbler hopped out to say hi to my camera. He showed off the small bug he’d just caught for breakfast before disappearing back into the vegetation.

Prairie Warbler
Prairie Warbler

Yellow Warblers start to pass through Florida at the end of August, and this year was no exception. This bright yellow beauty was one of several that I spotted this morning. Photographing them is a challenge since they don’t sit still for long!

Yellow Warbler
Yellow Warbler

I spent most of my morning wandering around the Crazy U. By the time I moved on, I didn’t linger at other spots. But I couldn’t resist pulling out the camera when I saw this Common Gallinule feeding her baby. I love how the babies flap their little wing-stubs to beg for food.

Common Gallinule Baby Begging
Common Gallinule Baby Begging

It was a great end to a great morning. I can’t wait to get out there again! :)