A Kestrel and a Gopher Tortoise
I headed to Oakland Nature Preserve one morning in late November to say hello to our visiting winter birds. The first bird who greeted me was a fun one – an American Kestrel. This little falcon is technically year-round in Central Florida, but I find it easier to spot them during the winter months. They are fairly skittish, so I was excited when this one let me get close enough for some good images.
Potato chip! Sweetie! Potato chip! I heard the cheerful calls of American Goldfinches and did a little happy dance. While I had been hearing them around my house since around the middle of November, I hadn’t seen them yet. I finally spotted my first two first-of-season birds at the very top of a tall tree. It’s amazing how far their little voices carry!
I was hiking a part of the reserve where I usually spot lots of small birds. On this particular day, the birds must have been having a breakfast party elsewhere. This Palm Warbler hopped out onto a tree branch and flipped his tail for me, telling me that a common bird in good light is a good consolation prize when the less-common birds were busy.
A Pine Warbler hopped back and forth in the deep shadows of an oak tree. At first I thought I saw a Ruby-crowned Kinglet in there with him, but the elusive bird declined to come out for a photo.
I hear that the Field Sparrows are back this year, and I wandered around looking for them. They must have been at the Birdie Breakfast Party. A Northern Mockingbird hopped up to the top of some vegetation to gaze at me, then he let loose with a warbling song. It made me realize that it’s been a while since I’ve photographed our state bird!
As I scouted for some bluebirds, a Red-shouldered Hawk flew overhead. Then his partner flew in after him. One sat high in a treetop while the other circled repeatedly nearby. They didn’t understand why a long white lens was suddenly trained on them, making strange clicking noises…
I headed back to my car, pausing to listen to the soft calls of Painted Buntings and a Gray Catbird. Then I noticed something moving on the sidewalk. A Gopher Tortoise! He pulled himself along the path, and I quickly knelt down to his level, grinning from ear to ear as I imagined sharing the photos with Rich. It’s not every day that I get a surprise visit from a turtle! :)