Afternoon Walk at Oakland Nature Preserve
One cold, windy afternoon in late December, Rich offered that we take our afternoon walk at Oakland Nature Preserve. The birds must have found a good place to hunker down because there was not much activity. But we still enjoyed walking around the place where I discovered natured photography, and where Rich spent countless hours keeping me company at my very first bird blind. Towards the end of our walk, we did find a small flock of warblers that made my camera smile!
This little Palm Warbler was hopping around the rail at the dock. I was surprised to see hints of bright yellow and brown in his plumage. Hints of breeding plumage can only mean one thing – spring is not far away!
This Tricolored Heron looked as cold as I felt as I stood in the lake breeze on the dock. When I first discovered nature photography, a flight shot like this would have been a major victory. These days with mirrorless cameras, these shots are much easier – even in ridiculously gray weather.
Rich was quick to point out the bird laughing at me. A pair of Common Gallinules were feeding at the edge of the lake. The fact that I spent several minutes photographing this very common bird tells you just how few birds there were that afternoon!
A flock of warblers came through as we walked back on the boardwalk. It was mostly Pine Warblers, with a few Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and a Blue-headed Vireo mixed in. I had fun photographing the little birds as they dove for bugs in the moss. Their bright yellow colors were a great contrast to the gray day!
I love the background colors on this last one. The yellow tones are perfect for a Florida winter.
We trekked back to the car, enjoying our walk through nature. Rich suggested that next time, if I wanted to see good birds, perhaps I should use reverse psychology and leave the camera at home!