‘Dream Come True’ rose
‘Dream Come True’ is blooming nicely by our mailbox. :-)
‘Dream Come True’ is blooming nicely by our mailbox. :-)
Dyeyo met me at Bok Tower this morning for some bird-watching. We had a great time roaming around in the beautiful gardens. I lent him my Canon Digital Rebel while I used my awesome new Canon 40D. He took some good pictures, too!
This cardinal met us in the pine trees right behind the visitor center. She didn’t mind when I got closer and closer to photograph her.
This juvenile cardinal looks pretty scruffy! He’s sitting on an American Beautyberry bush, which is like a birdie magnet.
I also liked this female cardinal picture. She was flitting in the trees by the Window by the Pond. There’s something very pleasing about the detail in her feathers and the soft green background.
There are squirrels all over the place at Bok Tower! This one was so cute that I couldn’t resist taking his picture.
At Window by the Pond, this green heron was enjoying the food that the caretakers scatter for the birds on stumps in the pond. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a green heron before.
Of course we couldn’t go to Bok Tower without going to the pond at the base of the tower to say hello to the swans. They’re such fun to watch.
This little butterfly, a Cassius Blue, seemed to be having fun fluttering on my “Queen Elizabeth” rose. Too bad he didn’t land on bloom!