Flowers, Droplets, and Filters!
It’s been a while since I played with Rainex and water droplets. Daisy-like flowers are really well suited for water refraction, and I had some African Sparkler Daisies blooming in the backyard, so I put two and two together and got…purple! (Jaime, are you reading this? :)
If you’re not familiar with the technique, it’s easy. Grab a piece of clear plastic or glass. Wash it with Rainex, that stuff you put on your windshield to make the rain droplets bead up. It works nicely to make the water droplets that you spray on the glass bead up in nice, photogenic circles. Then put a flower underneath and spend a few hours finding patterns. It’s fun!
Except on this particular day, I didn’t stop there. :)
Different flower this time – it was a pansy under the glass. Also there were tiny annoying bubbles in some of my water droplets. I decided the image needed a little something to make it pop, so I added some color in Color Efex.
One of my images was noisier than I liked, especially after I added the color and sharpened it a bit. So I started playing with some more filters and stumbled onto something that made me gasp…
That would be bubbles with a twist! :) This one got a Wow from Rich. Frequent readers of my blog will know that a Wow is high praise indeed from my hubby, who doesn’t always appreciate my “artsy” attempts.
I really liked this image, but the noise still bothered me. So I took another photo and tried again, choosing more purple colors this time.
Not a bad way to spend a rainy afternoon, huh?