Lots of goldfinches these days
I’m not sure if it was just a change in finch food, or if the goldfinch migration is starting, but we’ve had many more goldfinches in the yard in the last few days. They are such fun to watch!

I’m not sure if it was just a change in finch food, or if the goldfinch migration is starting, but we’ve had many more goldfinches in the yard in the last few days. They are such fun to watch!
Mum-mum and Dyeyo had a female Painted Bunting at their tray feeder today!!! She came back to feed at least three times while we were there. Mum-mum thinks that she’s actually a regular visitor. How neat!
Painted buntings
It figured that I hadn’t taken my camera today. :-p This picture of the female (foreground) and male (background) Painteds was taken two years ago at Oakland Nature Preserve. Now my Papitos need to keep a watch out for the male!!
Meet Bow Tie, our Yellow-Throated Warbler who is wintering in the neighborhood. Every morning he comes to Goldy’s front window to steal a few bites from the feeders. He grabs his seed and flies to Peter’s palm tree to eat. He’s so pretty – his neat black and white stripes remind me of a man’s formal suit, with a bright yellow vest! So he’s “Bow Tie” and we hope he’ll come back next winter. :)
Yellow-Throated Warbler