Lake Apopka without my Beast!
Early mornings when the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive is not open for vehicles are officially my favorite days! On this particular morning, I opted to leave my heavy Beast at home and see what fast-moving birds in flight I could catch with my 100-400. I had a good time, and ultimately concluded that my Beast is worth the weight! :)
My first birds of the morning were the flock of Fulvous Whistling-ducks calling happily in the marshes. I love listening to them! Their brown feathers glistened in the early morning sunlight.

The advantage of the lighter lens is that it’s faster to react when a bird comes flying towards you suddenly. This White Ibis appeared out of nowhere. Look at the bright orange beak and pale blue eye. I love watching birds in their breeding colors!

As I walked down Lust Road, I came across a lingered flock of Ring-necked Ducks. They’ll be leaving pretty soon for their summer breeding grounds. So I spent some extra time watching them, and they sure showed off for me!

Later I came across a Gray-headed Swamphen. He was wandering among the grasses in the distance, then he decided to fly in closer and closer. My first flight shots of this beautiful bird! I thought it was nice of him to fly toward the camera. :)

A small group of Mottled Ducks flew in. Apparently they had springtime rituals on their minds. There’s a lot of splashing involved when a male notices a good-looking female!

As I left, the same flock of Fulvous startled and took to the skies. They flew several circles around the marsh before setting in the shallow waters again

The ducks waved goodbye as I left. “Have a good week, see you soon!”