Red-winged Blackbird Nest

Posted Posted in Lake Apopka

As I prowled along the south shore of Lake Apopka, I heard tiny cries and traced them to a small nest in the cat tails. It was a Red-winged Blackbird nest with three small babies. Their wide-open orange beaks seemed be the biggest parts of their bodies!

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

Mom flew in to the nesting area, provoking much excitement in the babies. Naps were abandoned as the babies clamored for food!

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

Mom worked herself ragged that morning, flying off to catch bugs and then returning to the nest to place the bugs in the babies’ mouths. I’m not sure how she kept track of who had already been fed. You certainly couldn’t tell the difference based on the level of begging.

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

Time and time again she flew in. I wished there were slightly fewer reeds in between me and the nest.

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

After one of Mom’s visits, there was an extraordinary amount of wing-flapping. One baby emerged from the nest and fumbled his way to a nearby branch. If I’m not mistaken, that was his first time leaving the nest.

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

The other two babies left in the nest looked up at him in wonder.

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

“Well, if my big brother can do it, so I can I!” said one of the remaining babies. The next time Mom visited, we had a second escape artist.

Red-winged Blackbird Nest
Red-winged Blackbird Nest

Mom looked to me as if to say, “yeah, life just got a lot harder!”

The fledglings seemed a little surprised and somewhere in awe of their newfound powers of mobility. I chuckled as I left this little family, knowing that the babies will be grown and flying in no time!

Red-winged Blackbird Just Fledged
Red-winged Blackbird Just Fledged

More Fun Birds from Outback Key!

Posted Posted in Backyard photography

After hanging out at the wading pools at Fort De Soto’s North Beach, I wandered out on Outback Key to explore. The birds are loving the tidal flats and the beach habitat that’s perfect for breeding.

This visit was in early May, when the Red Knots were staging for their spring migration. I spotted a flock of them flying in the distance…

Red Knots
Red Knots

…and then I came across a single Knot in breeding plumage in the tide pools.

Red Knot in Breeding Plumage
Red Knot in Breeding Plumage

Big Red was getting a little nervous. He’s used to being the star at Fort De Soto, and here were these little red birds stealing his show. He flew overhead to make sure I knew he was still the prettiest red bird!

Reddish Egret
Reddish Egret

Big Red apparently isn’t the only bird that knows the drunken sailor dance, either. This Willet was doing a remarkably good impression of it. He threw up his wings and hopped erratically around, casting his shadow at the fish below. He sure danced a lot, but I’m not sure if he ever caught his fish!

Dancing Willet
Dancing Willet

As I mentioned in my last post, it was another Five-Plover morning. I saw Black-bellied Plovers, Semi-Palmated Plovers, Wilson’s Plovers, Snowy Plovers, and this lone Piping Plover. I think it’ll be fall before that happens again.

Snowy Plover
Snowy Plover

The Black-bellied Plovers were staging for their migration. I’m not sure I’ve seen quite that many at Fort De Soto before, all in varying stages of breeding plumage.

Black-bellied Plovers Staging for Migration
Black-bellied Plovers Staging for Migration

This Western Sandpiper stood quietly in the sea grasses. He looked like he’d had a long tiring journey. He reminded me that while Fort De Soto is an exciting place to bird, it’s also an important stopover for migratory birds.

Western Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper

This last photo is a sneak preview for my next post. The Least Terns have set up a colony on Outback Key, and I had a great morning with them. You’ll have to wait your “turn” till my next post!

Learn Tern in Flight
Learn Tern in Flight

Purple Gallinule Families

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Lake Apopka

Ladies and gentlemen, repeat after me: Always take your spare camera battery.

“But I’m just going to my local neighborhood park! There’s no way that I’ll ever take that many photos! It’s late May and there’s not that much to shoot!”

Always take your spare camera battery!

So as a preview of coming attractions, I had a great Saturday morning at Newton Park. It’s been a while since I’ve been there, and I didn’t anticipate there being much action. But it turned out to be a great morning! For this post, we’ll focus on the Purple Gallinule families that I found. Both juveniles and babies posed for my camera!

Purple Gallinule (Adult Male)
Purple Gallinule (Adult Male Head Shot)

Adult Purple Gallinules are so colorful. This male was clearly used to being fed. He wanted me to give him a snack, but instead, I took his picture.

In the early morning light, I found a group of juvenile Purple Gallinules in an Alligator Flag plant. The juvies lack the bright brilliant colors of the adults, but their feathers are beautifully iridescent. Then I noticed this pair of juveniles. They were quietly preening each other. It was very gentle and sweet. Often I see this with a pair of birds as a courtship ritual, but in this case, I think it was a sign of birds who take care of the family.

Purple Gallinule Juveniles Preening
Purple Gallinule Juveniles Preening

Speaking of the family, I heard small squeaks and followed them until I spotted the little black chicks. These are tiny Purple Gallinule babies! I love their bright black feathers and orange beaks. There were three in total. These two decided to pose for the camera.

Purple Gallinule Babies
Purple Gallinule Babies

The gallinules are one of the few bird families where the older juveniles help their parents take care of the younger babies. Below is a juvenile Purple Gallinule who grabbed a bit of food, which he proceeded to take back to the babies.

Purple Gallinule Juvenile
Purple Gallinule Juvenile

While the babies worked, the adults…wandered in the grass and begged for food! I wondered if this was an adult still looking for a mate. Look at those shiny colors!

Purple Gallinule (Adult Male)
Purple Gallinule (Adult Male)

It was fun to spend some quiet time with these beautiful birds. Being out with the camera felt amazing – just like having your head scratched in just the right place!

Purple Gallinule Juveniles Preening
“Just the right spot!!”