Early June Visit to Circle B Bar Reserve
It’s been ages since my dad and I did a photography morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve. So in early June, we met at sunrise to walk the trails and re-visit our old favorite spots. We ended up walking almost the whole reserve – Heron Hideout, Marsh Rabbit Run, Wading Bird Way, Eagle Roost, and the open portion of Alligator Alley. It was cloudy and gray but we saw lots of good birds!
Our first bird was a Northern Parula who sang to us from a treetop. Eventually he hopped down to eye level, but he didn’t quite come out in the open…
As we headed down Marsh Rabbit Run we spotted a crow flying by. It had a small egg its mouth.
Purple Gallinules were everywhere that morning. We spotted a trio of small black babies being fed near the bird blind, then we spotted juveniles a little farther down the trail. As we hit Wading Bird Way, we found a clump of Alligator Flags with a Purple Gallinule gymnast. I love watching these pretty birds climb on the reeds.
A few minutes later, I spotted a Purple Gallinule pair standing very close. I recognized the signs of courtship and focused quickly. I think it’s safe to say that there will be more Purple Gallinules at Circle B this summer!
I looked down and spotted a small turtle in the trail. Of course I had to get a photo for Rich!
Tons of wading birds like the Limpkin below were hanging out in the shallow waters along Wading Bird Way. There were more birds, too – some very pretty birds who entertained my camera for a good while. But you’ll have to wait to my next post to find out who they were!
Back by the Nature Center, we found a juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk in the treetops. He was munching on his breakfast. He made a very pretty picture nestled in the ferns and mosses.
On our way down to Lake Hancock, we found a Pileated Woodpecker hanging out in the oak trees. It’s been a while since I’ve photographed a pileated. Look at that giant red crest!
As we left, we waved goodbye to the wild hogs that were feeding along the side of the trail. It wouldn’t be a visit to Circle B without the hogs!