Another Early June Lake Apopka Morning
Lake Apopka was really good in early June! I headed determined to walk down Conrad Road, where some of my birding friends had seen some rarities. I enjoyed exploring a new trail, and as usual, it was a fun morning with the birds!
A family of Northern Flickers was hanging out in some dead trees. One of the juvenile birds paused to look at my camera.
A pair of Red-winged Blackbirds began a great chase. I’m not sure who stole what from whom, but they chased each other for about a minute!
I spotted a new family of Black-necked Stilts. First the adults flew by, then I noticed the small babies in the distance.
I heard the calls of the Brown Thrasher before I saw it. A thrasher sounds like a mockingbird, but doesn’t repeat his calls as frequently. I spotted the thrasher at the top of a bush, and then he flew to the power lines over my head.
Then I spotted one of my target birds – a male Orchard Oriole. They breed at Lake Apopka in the summertime. Of course the bird had to pose in a distant treetop facing straight into the sun – but I managed an ID shot anyway.
A flock of White Ibis flew by as I walked back to my car. I’e always thought they were so pretty in flight, with the black tips of their wings.
I got back to my car and continued along the drive. Off in the distance, I spotted a Black-necked Stilt nest that I hadn’t seen before. Mom was incubating three eggs. I noted the location so I could return on my next bike ride.
I re-located the little black Purple Gallinule babies. I added the 2x teleconverter to my Beast, and suddenly I was looking at full-frame cuteness!
My last photos of the day were of a Least Bittern. He was perched on an open branch near my car window. I watched him hop from branch to branch, and I tried for some action shots. It’s fun to catch them in mid-air!