Springtime Fun at Lake Morton
I’ve focused on American White Pelicans and Wood Ducks in my last posts from Lake Morton. But there’s a lot more going on there in the springtime! So today I’ll share some other images from those visits.
It’s nesting time! The Black Swans and Mute Swans make nests on the shore of the lake. If you’re lucky, you might visit on the day that the cygnets hatch. The city takes the babies away shortly after they hatch. The swan above made her nest in the middle of a bush. I bet it gives her some welcome shade as the weather gets warmer.
The Black Swans already had babies this year. The city trapped the family and put them in a small fenced cage on the shore of the lake. The cygnet is very cute. You can see that I took the above photo through the fence.
These swans haven’t had babies yet. But it sure seems to be on their minds! They were doing courtship head dances on the lakeshore one morning. I like how their necks come together to form a heart.
As I photographed pelicans one morning, I heard the call of this Yellow-throated Warbler in the tree over my head. The bird was singing, yet another sign that spring is here. He was in search of a mate.
These white ducks always come over to say hi when I visit Lake Morton. Lots of people feed them, so they assume I’m going to feed them, too. I always disappoint them. This one made me laugh, posed on the edge of the lake with a feather on his beak.
Yeah, I can’t get through a post without including a Wood Duck. I’ve really been enjoying hanging out with them this year! This bird’s reflection on the lake was perfect. So pretty!
I always know it’s springtime when the Common Gallinule chicks start to show up. These little black fuzzballs remind me of little aliens. These two are already getting kind of big. I think they are sharing a secret. Or maybe they want to ask that nice photographer to come back soon to play with them!