Rich and I saw some wild rabbits twice last week during our walks in Lakehurst at “Bunny Hour”, so this week I started carrying my camera in hopes of taking some pictures of them. (They are cute!) But of course we don’t see them when I have my camera with me (Rich calls it my bunny deterrent.)
But we did see this sand hill crane family out on the golf course. Somehow I have a feeling that these may be the same family that we saw about a month ago. If so, the baby has gotten big!

Sand hill cranes
There was also a baby sand hill crane at work this morning. He was about the size of the baby that I saw at the Circle B Bar Reserve last month. It’s a shame I’m not allowed to take my camera onto the property…but it’ll be nice to see him in the mornings. :)
The neighborhood is alive with the sound of baby mockingbirds. You can tell you’re near a nest by the shrill calls and the two hovering parents that are playing sentry nearby. We keep seeing mockingbirds chase off a crow, too. I did some reading tonight and found out that crows will upset the mockingbird nests, eat their eggs, and maybe even the chicks! So I guess I did a good thing when I helped the mockingbirds chase off that crow yesterday.