Rich and I got home from a nighttime walk and found an unexpected visitor on our roof. A Great Horned Owl! It’s not the first time we’ve seen an owl in the neighborhood, so Whiskey didn’t get to update his life list, but we still thought it was pretty cool. After trying a few blurry iPhone snaps, I went inside to grab my real camera. I cranked the ISO up on the R5 and used my 100-500 to get a full-framed shot of our guest. I showed the sharp image to Rich and his mouth dropped open. To get this kind of image on a dark night – wow, the R5 never ceases to amaze me!

I’m also loving the Topaz filters for noise removal. In the screenshot below, the left side is the original noise level, and the right is the final image. Not bad, huh?

One thought on “An Unexpected Visitor”
Now, THAT’S the kind of visitor I don’t mind coming home to! Whoooo wouldn’t love it?
Terrific shot under those conditions. I continue to be amazed at how modern cameras allow us to make images we wouldn’t even attempt a few years ago in low light. Of course, that technology in the hands of a skilled photographer (that would be YOU) yields spectacular results!
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