Finally! The American Goldfinches found my feeder this week! It’s been a few years since I’ve heard my favorite “Potato Chip” call. So you can imagine my excitement when I peeked out and saw four of them stuffing their faces with niger seed. Welcome, friends!

The finches aren’t the only fun winter visitors. We found some Hooded Mergansers at the neighborhood pond last weekend. Normally there’s a big flock that hangs out there for at least several weeks in the winter. This time we just had a couple of birds. Still, I love to hang out with my hoodies!

Whiskey has big news from his butterfly garden, too. His fat caterpillars hung themselves upside down in the bush outside his window. We got to watch as one of them turned into a bright green chrysalis. In another week or two, we’ll get to see beautiful butterflies emerge!

But my mom gets the prize for the best bird video of the week. Look at what she’s getting with her Christmas birdcam! Make sure to turn up the sound when you watch these hummingbird close-ups. :)
2 thoughts on “Around the Backyard”
I have yet to see a goldfinch this season! Love your photos and your Mom’s camera setup may soon replace teevee! Hummer’s are so adorable.
Had a great day (finally) at Apopka yesterday. Might post pics by Easter if I can wade through all these images!
Yay, I’m glad you made it up to Apopka! I will watch your blog for the images. :)
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