Yep, it’s definitely starting to feel like spring. I had the pleasure of watching a number of Eastern Bluebirds court and begin the process of nest-building. The only problem was the housing shortage…

That’s right, it’s hard to fit three birds into a house built for two. The leftmost and rightmost birds above are males. The middle bird is a female. It was clear that the housing arrangements hadn’t all been sorted out as everybody eyed the best place in the neighborhood!

Everybody was checking out the bluebird house. The birds darted in and out of the small hole in the front. At times, the female would flutter nearby, flapping her wings to make herself attractive to her mate. Then she’d fly to a nearby branch and do a one-winged wave.

The males concentrated on getting the nursery reading. This one flew in with a bit of nesting material. I wished the nest box was transparent to see the nest being built inside.

This female bluebird seemed to have a solution to the housing shortage. She found a cavity in a nearby dead tree. Both the male and female were checking it out, inspecting it from all sides. It looked bigger than the birdie mansion, so maybe it will work out better for them in the long run. Their babies are sure to have playmates with their friends down the path!

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2 thoughts on “Bluebird Housing Shortage”
That first photo reminds me of the old TV series “Three’s Company”. I don’t think that arrangement works very well in nature. Or maybe not even in real human life …
I could watch this drama of courtship and nest building all day long. It doesn’t hurt that the actors are dressed in the most beautiful shade of blue I’ve ever seen.
Can’t you just feel Spring headin’ our way?
I know, spring feels like it’s right around the corner! I hope I get to see baby bluebirds!
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