Today is Groundhog Day, and Punxsutawney Phil says that we’re in for an early spring. Thank goodness — I’m tired of the cold! I didn’t need a groundhog to tell me that spring is coming, though. My backyard plants are telling me all about it. The oaks are putting out their new leaves already, my azaleas started to bloom several weeks ago, and my honeysuckle never stopped blooming this winter. All these backyard signs of spring are exciting…spring is my favorite season and I’m looking forward to getting out into the garden to plant some new flowers.

I took my macro lens out front to photograph some of the azalea blooms. They are so pretty! I played with focusing on the stamens first, then on the flower centers. The above image was my favorite. It doesn’t show the stamens, but I love the colors and lines.
Soon it will be time to trim the crape myrtles. The poor goldfinches will have fewer branches to sit on while they wait for their turn at the feeder. Even without their leaves, the crape myrtles are kind of pretty, with all sorts of interesting bark. Have I mentioned that I am really enjoying my macro lens?

I’ve been sick for the past couple months, and I haven’t been able to get out much to shoot. I can’t wait to get back to the Circle B Bar Reserve to check on the bird nests that I’m hearing about! Spring is my favorite time to photograph birds. I’m itching to get back out!!
One thought on “Backyard Signs of Spring”
Love the beautiful pink. Hope you are feeling better. I’m going to try and get out there next weekend. The baby great blue on All Alley is getting big fast.
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