A few weeks ago, I noticed an advertisement for the Winter Garden Art in Public Places exhibit. They were asking local artists to contribute artwork for display in the Winter Garden City Hall. The theme was “Native Wildlife and Natural Landscapes of Central Florida.” I figured I might have a few pictures that fit into that category. :) Besides, it’d be fun to meet other artists from around here. So I entered a couple of my favorite images. I didn’t hear any feedback after the submission deadline, so I thought my stuff hadn’t been selected for the show. Then I got a call two days ago asking if they could turn my photo rightside up, as I had accidentally put it into the frame upside down. Oops! So I wasn’t sure what to expect tonight when we walked into the City Hall for the “reception and meeting with the artists.” Well, there were all three of my photos on the walls, and a big “Best in Show” next to Mobile Home! How fun. So I got to have my picture taken with the Mayor Pro Temp, the student Best in Show, and one of the show organizers. Everybody thought Mobile Home was too cute for words! :)
Thanks to the City of Winter Garden for encouraging local artists, and for promoting the importance of nature and wildlife in our community.

Best in Show smiles
4 thoughts on “Best in Show!”
Congratulations, Jess! What a great year it has been for you with your photography being recognized!!
Thanks, right back at you, Mr. Artfully Ending Hunger! :)
Super congrats! Well deserved. That was a great shot.
Thanks, Dina!
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