As I drove to work with the rising sun in my eyes this morning, all I could think was that I’d rather be at the Circle B Bar Reserve! :) It’s unusual when I have such a good morning that I have to extend my description to multiple blog posts. This one is looking like it’ll be a three-parter…
This Great Blue Heron was so pretty in the pre-dawn light. Look at the pale blueish-purple water. He was intent on watching for fish in the water below.

The population of Black-Crowned Night Herons at CBBR seems to be growing. I noticed several hanging about in the early morning, both adults and juveniles. Several gave me flight shot opportunities. I think the adult birds with their wings stretched like this are so pretty.

I still can’t believe how many Roseate Spoonbills were around the Wading Bird Way trail at sunrise. Lucky for me, they wanted to stretch those pretty pink wings and fly! Most stayed far enough away that I was glad to have my Beast. A few came close enough that I had way too much lens. Note to self: next time don’t be lazy and leave the intermediate telephoto at home… :)

It was hilarious to watch the wading birds fish for breakfast. You would think that the big wood storks, quiet and ugly, would stay somewhat apart from their smaller heron and egret counterparts. Not the case at all. I watched stork after stork chase after an egret with a fish. Silly storks, too lazy to catch their own breakfasts! The egrets almost always won.

After watching the American White Pelicans that I blogged about yesterday, I got excited when I saw one puff up his feathers and consider a flight across the marsh. Then he flew away from me! Not at all the shot that I wanted. :) If I had a dollar for every “birdie butt” shot that I’ve taken…!!

Want to learn more about nature photography at Circle B Bar Reserve?
Check out my Circle B Bar Reserve page with more information about the location, map, website, photography tips, etc. It is archived by date so you can see my images from previous visits. Maybe you'll be inspired for your own trip!
Planning a trip to Florida? Don't miss my Central Florida Bird Photography Locations reference guide!