Painted Bunting in our Yard!!!


This afternoon we had a Painted Bunting in our yard!  I was up taking pictures of Bow Tie, our Yellow-throated Warbler.  I blinked, and suddenly Bow Tie jumped off the feeder and a female Painted Bunting jumped on!  She sat there for a few seconds and let me snap a few pictures before flying off.
This is the second time we’ve seen a Painted Bunting in our yard.  In April we saw what I believe was a juvenile male.

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

I was a little horrified to see how gross my feeder had gotten with this week’s rain.  I spent the two hours after I saw this gal cleaning all the feeders, and I made sure to put out millet (the bunting’s favorite food).  Hopefully she will stick around (or visit Missy’s house!)

I also got a great picture of Bow Tie.  I love his cheerful yellow throat.  That’s how he got his name — his black and white colors remind me of a man’s suit, with a yellow vest!  All that’s missing is a bow tie…

Yellow-throated Warbler

Yellow-throated Warbler