Our neighborhood Yellow-throated Warbler is back! We call him Bow Tie because his black and white colors remind me of a tuxedo, and his bright yellow tummy is his bow tie. We’ve seen him for the past couple of winters. He’s one of my regular suet customers, although my first shot of him this year was on my mixed seed feeder. He comes in and eats when the Cardinals and House Finches take a break from the food. Poor little Bow Tie always gets shoved away when the bigger birds are around.

I’m pretty sure he’s the same bird from year to year. He’s not banded, so I can’t know for sure, but what other bird does this on my window every morning? :)
The cats love it when Bow Tie is around. They hear him tapping and go running to see him at the window.
We’ve had fewer birds than usual this winter. Previously we’d get huge flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds and Brown-headed Cowbirds. This year we haven’t seen the first flock. Occasionally I’ll see one or two Red-wings. The yard is surprisingly quiet. The birds we see the most are the Mourning Doves. They love my new feeder setup!